October 2019
Exeter, United Kingdom
The host organization is the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (CEMPS)
Contact: Prof. Mikhail E. Portnoi – m.e.portnoi@exeter.ac.uk

The University of Exeter is a member of the UK’s Russell Group of leading research-intensive universities. It is ranked amongst the UK’s top 10 universities in the Higher Education league tables produced by the Times and the Sunday Times. It is ranked amongst the world’s top 200 universities in the QS and Times Higher Education rankings. Exeter participated in 166 FP7 projects, including 81 as sole applicant or coordinator and is to date involved in 70 Horizon 2020 projects, including 30 as sole applicant or coordinator. We participate in 5 current ITNs. The host organization at UNEXE is the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (CEMPS). The Physics and Astronomy section conducts research in different areas of modern physics and consists of the Astrophysics group, the Biomedical Physics group, the Electromagnetic Materials group, and the Quantum Systems and Nanomaterials group. This group is focused on the experimental and theoretical studies of nanostructures including carbon nanotubes, graphene, single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides, conventional semiconductor nanoscale systems and quantum fluids. Research in the area of advance nanostructures is central to UNEXE, which is home to the Centre for Graphene Science, established by a multi-million grant from the EPSRC and £12M EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Electromagnetic Metamaterials.
Prof. Mikhail E. Portnoi is the node PI. He has broad expertise in theoretical and mathematical physics including quantum and statistical mechanics of low-dimensional systems, physics of optoelectronic nanodevices and theory of THz transitions and excitons in quantum rings and carbon-based nanostructures
Prof. Saverio Russo is the head of the Quantum Systems and Nanomaterials research group and a leading scientist of the Centre for Graphene Science.
Prof. Feodor Ogrin’s main expertise is in nanostructured magnetic materials.
Modern cleanroom facilities and state of art nanofabrication and characterisation equipment of the Centre for Graphene Science including NanoBeam NB4 Electron Beam System, DMO Microwriter ML Laser writer, Karl Suss MJB4 Optical Mask Aligner, Kurt J Lesker Evaporation System, HHV Auto306 Thermal Evaporator, Moorfield nanoPVD S10A, JLS Designs RIE 80 Etching System, LoadPoint Micro Ace 3 Dicing Saw, K&S 4123 and 4700 Wire Bonders, Nikon LV150 Upright Microscopes, KLA-Tencor D-100 Surface Profiler, Probe Station, Linde Helium Liquefier and several OInst. Kelvinox and Heliox cryostats. Other involved laboratories include: an ultra-fast laser laboratory with regenerative amplifier system which delivers pulses of mJ energy, < 60 fs duration at a repetition rate of up to 300 kHz. OPA, doubling units, and a difference frequency generator enable wavelengths from the UV to the IR, the Raman spectroscopy (CARS) Lab and THz photonics Lab. It will be also available the powerful UNEXE Zen Supercomputing Cluster and a local computer network in Physics with dedicated computing development officer and extensive software library.
Past and running projects
• H2020 MC RISE project CoExAN, 2015-2019.
• FP7 IRSES projects TerACaN, 2009-2012;
• QOCaN, 2013-2016;
• CANTOR, 2014-2017.
• FP7 IRSES projects SPINMET, 2011-2014;
• ROBOCON, 2009-2012,
• INTERNOM, 2013-17;
• FP7 Initial Training Networks SPINOPTRONICS,
• 2009–2013 and NOTEDEV, 2013-17.