October 2019
Manila, Philippines
The host organization is the College of Science Physics.
Contact: Prof. Richard R. Hartmann – richard.hartmann@dlsu.edu.ph

DLSU is one of the leading universities in the Philippines, renowned for its academic excellence, research, and involved community service. This research group focuses on the optical and electronic properties of carbon-based nanostructures.
Prof. Richard R. Hartmann is the node PI. His expertise lies in the physics of optoelectronic nanodevices, the theory of THz transitions in low dimensional systems and excitons in carbon-based nanostructures.
Well-equipped laboratory, computational facilities and office space to comfortably accommodate visitors.
Past and running project
• 2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 project 644076 CoExAN
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Exeter, United Kingdom – The host organization is the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences (CEMPS) … | more
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