October 2019

Tel Aviv, Israel
The host organization is the School of Electrical Engineering.

Prof. Gregory Slepyan – gregory_slepyan@yahoo.com
Prof. Amir Boag – boag@tauex.tau.ac.il

The host organization of the TAU team is the School of Electrical Engineering, the largest electrical engineering school in Israel. The School is part of the Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University, listed by the Times Higher Education Rankings as one of the 100 best science universities in the world. The School’s outstanding faculty includes many who rank among the leading researchers, in Israel and internationally, in their field. The School maintains extensive cooperative research ties with prominent institutions abroad and with Israeli industry.  The School’s advanced degree programs cover a broad spectrum of high-tech sciences, from micro-, nano- and opto-technologies to communications, computer and information systems. The expertise of the Israeli unit falls into the fields of nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, quantum kinetics, quantum chemistry, computational electromagnetism and antenna theory. In particular, the Unit developed fast computational methods in electrodynamics and acoustics based on the integral equations technique, the theory of light interaction with carbon nanotubes and semiconductor quantum dots. 

Prof. Gregory Slepyan, PI of the Israel node, will take part in the Hallen-type and surface integral equations formulation, their application to nano-antennas, study of structures fed by noise current, Rabi-oscillations and Rabi-Bloch oscillations. His expertise lies in theoretical physics, including quantum optics and condensed matter theory. 
Prof. Amir Boag will take part in the Hallen-type and surface integral equations formulation, their application to nano-antennas. His expertise lies in diffraction theory, antennas, including numerical methods of electrodynamics, nano-antennas, quantum rectennas and carbon-based nanostructures.

The computational facilities serving the Electromagnetics group at the Tel-Aviv University include several dual Xeon processor workstations with relatively large RAM (512 and 256 GB) one of which is equipped with a Tesla K40 GPU card.  Researchers at Tel-Aviv University also have access to the resources of the High Performance Computing (HPC) unit of the Inter University Computation Center.

Past and running projects
• FP7 IRSES project CANTOR, 2014-2017
 FP7 IRSES project CACOMEL 2010-2013
 DFG project: “Quantum Entanglement in Rabi Waves Excited in Excitonic Composite”, 2009
 FP7 IRSES project TerACaN, 2009-2012

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